70 best useless websites you need to trip to spend your time

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    The Loop can destroy your home or kill your little kitten.

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  4. http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/

    consider the Flash, another mentioned useless site on the web.

  5. http://burymewithmymoney.com/
  6. http://www.fallingfalling.com/

    One After One.

  7. http://just-shower-ideas.tumblr.com/

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  8. http://cant-not-tweet-this.com/

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  9. http://www.trypap.com/
  10. http://www.movenowthinklater.com/
  11. http://www.partridgegetslucky.com/Highly trending: All Funny Google Methods & Tips You need to Try
  12. http://baconsizzling.com/
  13. http://beesbeesbees.com/
  14. http://cat-bounce.com/
  15. chrismckenzie.com
  16. corgiorgy.com
  17. corndogoncorndog.com
  18. http://dogs.are.the.most.moe/
  19. faceofdisapproval.com
  20. giantbatfarts.comAnother Trending: Top 30 Most Fascinating, Weirdest And Funny Websites
  21. grandpanoclothes.com
  22. hardcoreprawnlawn.com
  23. hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com
  24. iamawesome.com
  25. ihasabucket.com
  26. iloveyoulikeafatladylovesapples.com
  27. imaninja.com
  28. intotime.com
  29. isitwhite.com
  30. leekspin.com
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  32. minecraftstal.com
  33. ninjaflex.com
  34. oct82.com
  35. pixelsfighting.com
  36. r33b.internet
  37. randomcolour.com
  38. salmonofcapistrano.com
  39. secretsfornicotine.com
  40. semanticresponsiveillustration.com
  41. tencents.info

  42. thefo.nz
  43. tomsdog.com
  44. unicodesnowmanforyou.com
  45. whitetrash.nl
  46. willthefuturebeaweso.me
  47. www.biglongnow.com
  48. www.electricboogiewoogie.com
  49. www.everydayim.com
  50. www.haneke.internet
  51. www.ismycomputeron.com
  52. www.koalastothemax.com

  53. www.leduchamp.com
  54. www.muchbetterthanthis.com
  55. www.nelson-haha.com
  56. www.nullingthevoid.comClick the big size rocks, they’re going BOOM.
  57. www.omfgdogs.com
  58. www.ouaismaisbon.ch
  59. www.persistence-is-a-virtue.org

  60. www.pleaselike.com
  61. www.pointerpointer.com
  62. www.ringingtelephone.com
  63. www.rrrgggbbb.com
  64. www.sadforjapan.com
  65. www_sanger_dk

  66. www_taghua_com
  67. www_theendofreason_com
  68. www_wutdafuk_com
  69. www_wwwdotcom_com
  70. zombo_com


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The Most Useless Websites On The Internet