Affordances in Modern Website Design
Affordances in Modern Website Design
This summer 2009
Hello, I’m… Andrew
Interaction & Consumer Experience Designer @andrewmaier hashrocket.c m om Affordance
Exactly what does this factor do?
Exactly what does this factor do?
Exactly what does this factor do?
Exactly what does this factor do?
Affordance The an excellent of
an item allowing an action–relationship by having an actor.
J. J. Gibson (1904–79) •
Visual Psychiatrist • Gestalt Psychology, Perception and Action • Gibson Affordance Theory • Measure the Condition around the globe: Threats and promises Affordance
“an affordance isn’t presented
upon an item with a necessity of an observer and the act of perceiving it… [for instance] to become graspable, an item should have opposite surfaces separated with a distance under the length of the hands.” – J. J. Gibson Affordance
Don Norman (1935 ) •
Neilsen, Norman Group • Physician of Philosophy in psychology • The style of Everyday Things • Perceived Affordances • Added the idea of signifiers: Affordance
“We are detectives, searching
for clues to allow us to operate within this complex world. Whether it’s flags waving within the wind, the main difference between empty or crowded train platforms, or even the desire lines highlighted by footprints within the fields that suggest pathways to follow along with, we look for significant signs on the planet that provide guidance. Within the social world made up of people and technology, these cues are social signifiers.” – Don Norman Affordance
Signifier A discrete unit of
meaning, including words, images, gestures, scents, tastes, textures, sounds.
Visual/Behavior The Word What of visual
communication • Conceptual models • Constraints • “Affordances” –– Signifiers Affordance
Conceptual • Exactly what the system
is and just what it may do • Three parts: system, interface, mental … • Conveyed not directly, Affordance
Conceptual System Model Conceptual Model
(Physical/Constraint–bearing (User’s Model) Model) Interface Model (Designer’s Model) Affordance
Conceptual • Recognition over Recall
• Good: Digital Spreadsheets, Game Titles Physics Engines •Questionable: Thermostats, Google Wave Affordance
Constraints (and Tools) • “An
entity accustomed to interface between several domains…” • Necessitates the designer to conceptualize various domains • Reduce Implied complexity Affordance
Affordances & Signifiers • Conventions,
patterns and metaphors • Attracts the senses • Again, requires little–to–no cognition Affordance
Website Design
& System Design
“Web” Design • Visual Design
• Interaction Behavior Design • System IA/UX Design Affordance
Manifest • Use Signifiers &
Constraints • Recognition over Recall • Create Context with Meta Design Affordance
Signifiers & Constraints • Invitations,
labels, Icons • Good visual design concepts • Constraints, reduce load Affordance
Default Layout “Wiggling”
Recognition over Recall • Standardization
(tabs, resolution, IA…openid, facebook) • Shared libraries Affordance
http:// http:// m/ypatterns/
http:// /explore/ http://
Designing Interfaces
Jennifer Tidwell
Designing Web Interfaces Bill Scott
& Theresa Neil Affordance
Metaphor • Base design off
of real–world objects • Instantly forms mental models • Requires no significant ramp–up • Can be quite simple: shadows, polaroids Affordance
Create Context • Meta Design:
Group related functionality • Information Architecture Affordance
Context Over Consistency Should actions
be buttons or links? This will depend the loop. Should a calendar view maintain list-form or grid-form? This will depend where it’s being proven and just how lengthy the timeframe is. Does every global navigation link have to be on every page? Do you want a worldwide search bar everywhere? Do you want exactly the same footer on every page? The solution: “It depends.” Getting Real, 37signals Affordance
Regular Safari Keyboard
Context Over Consistency Regular Header
Post–Search Header Affordance
Over–Design • Physical Overload •
Obscures content •Independent of visceral response –Requires cognition •Not just jealously on my small part Affordance
Combined with permission from Alex
Combined with permission from Alex
Realism in Design • Realistic
= Lifeless •Robotics, Videogames, Comics, Movies, etc. • Uncanny valley •Empathy & Possiblity Affordance
The Uncanny Valley In 1978,
japan roboticist Masahiro Mori observed something interesting: The greater humanlike his robots grew to become, the greater everyone was drawn to them, only up to and including point. If the android become too realistic and realistic, all of a sudden everyone was repelled and disgusted. –Clive Thompson Affordance
Don’t Cause Me To Feel Think Steve
Krug Affordance
Understanding Comics
Scott McCloud
Affordances in Design • Identify
action options, goals • Consciously gain knowledge from the world, your users do • Manifest your design, use metaphor • Don’t overdesign Affordance
References WEBSITES BOOKS • •
The style of Everyday Things • • Designing Interfaces • • Designing Web Interfaces • • Getting Design to Software • • • signifiers_not_affordances.html White-colored PAPERS • • • Affordances Described, May • 2003 • liddle.html Affordance
The Birth
of Affordances
Resourse: https://slideshare.internet/andrewmaier/
Build An HTML5 Website With A Responsive Layout
Viral-Videos: plzz in future expand this tutorial with adding JavaScript & some backhand php plzzzzzz
Akshay Jassal: excellent job!\nThe day I get my first pay check, you can expect a big donation. \nCheers!!
NathanAshby: Comming from someone who has been struggling to get into webdev because of the lack of well made tutorials (most are underexplained or have a ton of useless info) I hate it when a video takes 5 minutes to explain me why I should install sublime text, and you just said, oh use atom if you like k (i use atom cause its clean and works tbh). I have to say yours is perfectly what I needed. Kudos for your simple explanations and "to the point" info.
idmt93: Fantastic video. This will be a great reference project for future endeavors. I think a good idea might be to make an extension of this video where you implement some JavaScript. Thanks a lot!
redsnakeintown: I think if you type Lorem and tab – Atom should be able to generate the dummy text for you…all other editors does
Aman Babbra: I love this video, I learned so much from it! I would really recommend you do another one like this please, but this time add some javascript as well. or even expand this one with some javascript! Thanks for the videos and keep up the great work!
J W: This tutorial is a real eye opener. It pieces together what I am struggling to understand on Codecademy. I feel much more enthusiastic and confident that I can do this and have fun while concentrating.\n\nThank you for providing guidance to a newbie like me….
Cường Nguyễn: thank you so much, teacher. Anyone else who is beginner like me ? let's make friends :D
Arun Raj: nice tutorial, Thank you!! \n\nif you install "emmet" package it will help you with the coding the html. for eg. if you write .container and tab, it will create <div class="container> </div> for you. And if you write #container and tab, it will create the <div id="container"> </div>.. \n\nplease ignore if you already know about this :-D
Surprise Surprise: Very Very nice! But i miss the PHP part for the newsletter and the quote :(